April 23, 2014
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of Comfrey met in special session Monday, April 23, 2014 at 5:30 PM in the community center with all members present. Mayor Richter presided.
The purpose of this meeting was to review a pull-tab request for the Darfur Sportsman’s Club to sell pull-tabs at the Comfrey Bar & Grill and to handle any other business brought before the council.
A resolution was passed on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously to allow Darfur Sportsman’s Club to sell pull-tabs at the Comfrey Bar and Grill located at 109 Brown St E, Comfrey, MN 56019. The request will be reviewed again on December 31, 2015.