July 7, 2014

The City Council of Comfrey met in regular session Monday, July 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the community center with all members present. Attorney Paul Muske was also present. Mayor Richter presided.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.

The agenda was approved as presented.

On recommendation from the zoning committee, a motion was made by Arnsdorf and seconded by Evers and carried unanimously with Mayor Richter abstaining to approve St Paul’s Catholic Church a variance on the zoning ordinance for the front yard setback requirements in a residential district to allow construction of an addition within 9 ½ feet of the front lot line.

June 2, 2014 regular meeting minutes were read and approved on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.

On motion of Evers, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously, the following bills were approved:

Alliant Energy

Electricity - May

$       1,725.96

Certified & Diversified Services

Stump Removal

$           40.00

Clements Lumber

yellow paint, paper towels, bolts, paint brush

$         274.09

Comfrey C-Store


$         484.40

Comfrey Fire Dept


$           76.63

Comfrey First Responders

radio programming, FR vaccination

$         390.00

Comfrey Market

Cleaning supplies

$             6.71

Comfrey Times

Publications - May and June bill

$         867.03

Friesen Plumbing & Heating

Repairs-Water Plant, 4" sump pump storm sewer

$           67.32


Telephone/Internet - June

$         433.06

Gopher State One-Call

5 line locates

$             7.25

Harvest Land

Weed Killer

$           60.39


WWTP Chemicals & Tank Demurrage

$       1,607.49

Kelly, Tammy

Reimb - City of Comfrey Shirts

$         224.75


Bills and Wages

$       1,587.16

Maguire Iron, Inc

Service Tower Service/Inspection

$       1,699.50

Meyer, Jim

Number search

$             7.95

Muske, Muske & Suhrhoff

Professional Services

$         126.00

Payroll Expense


$       4,529.23

Peachtree Business Products

ATV-Cart Permits

$         245.82

Peterson, Jason

Mileage for weather spotter training

$           34.20



$         189.99

Salonek Concrete

Sand for VB Court

$         396.51

Marlene Schuelke

Mileage for weather spotter training

$           56.70

Servocal Instruments

Semi-Annual Calibration of WW Flow Meters

$         400.00

S W Dust Treatment Inc

Dust treatment on gravel roads

$       1,858.87

Taser International

Annual Evidence Storage Contract

$         360.00

Utility Consultants, Inc

WWTP Tests

$         218.25

Verizon Wireless

Police Cell Phone - June

$           61.94

Waste Management

Res. Garbage pickup - May

$       1,241.12


The June financial report was approved on motion by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.

Fire Chief Warner informed the council that the fire department is still in the running for a FEMA grant. They have made it further along in the process than in past experiences. Chief also mentioned they are repairing a leak on the pump of Engine #31.

Police Chief Meyer presented the monthly police report.

Public Works Director Berberich reported M R Paving will be seal coating 8 blocks in town. He also received an estimate to repair and paint water tower of $60000. This will be done within the next two years. The skid loader had some damage done to it when a large log came down on it while burning the dump. A claim has been submitted and an estimated cost of a new demolition door is $4600. We are waiting to hear back from the claims adjuster on the next steps.

Arnsdorf presented the library board report.

Mayor Richter informed the council that a meeting was held with the existing board of the “Little White Church”. The next step is to find out if there is any community interest to form a Historical Society/Arts Center as it will take community support and volunteers to get an organization started. An article will go in the paper making community members aware of the option.

New outdoor mats will be purchased for the entrances of the community center.

The Bridging Brown County Leadership program was discussed and names were suggested of possible attendees.

A request was made by a citizen for a change in the number of dogs allowed under city ordinance. Ordinance was discussed and no changes will be made at this time.

A revised ordinance #175 was discussed which allows ATV, UTV, Mini Truck and the addition of motorized golf carts to drive on city streets with a city issued permit. This ordinance will replace Ordinance #174. The council waived the two readings and the revised ordinance #175 was passed and adopted on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.

Discussion was had on the purchase of signs for the entrance of the city posting ATV-Cart use permitted with city issued permit. Permission was given to purchase the signs on a motion made by Evers, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.

A resolution expressing acceptance and appreciation for donations from Bashaw Township for $500, and Stately Township for $1200 to the first responders for the purchase of radios, from Schwartz Farms for $500 and two memorials for Rita Gisch and Ron Mathiowetz for $20 each to the Comfrey Fire Department was approved on a motion from Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.

Water tank inspection report was reviewed.

No action taken on a donation request from the Small Business Development Center.

Land Use Permits were granted to Lisa Herrig to move in a shed, Tim Anderson for a fence and Lindsay Friesen for a patio and fence on a motion made by Schmitt, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously.

Malt Liquor On-Sale license for 3 locations was requested by Comfrey Area Pride for Community Days, July 11th – 12th, 2014. On a motion by Arnsdorf, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously approval was granted.

A motion was made by Evers, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously to authorize Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a purchase agreement to sell to Scott Olson lots 9, 10, 11, and 12 Holms Addition in “as is” condition for the purchase price of $2000.

A long range planning meeting will be set at our next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt.