January 12, 2015

            Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of Comfrey met in special session Monday, January 12, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the community center with all members present. Mayor Richter presided.

            The purpose of this meeting was to discuss compensation for the chief police position because of changes put into place by the Affordable Care Act and to handle any other business brought before the council.

            A bill to Hawkins for chemicals in the amount of $1339.99 was approved to be paid on a motion by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.

            The December Financial report was reviewed and approved on a motion by Arnsdorf, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously.

            Discussion was had regarding the fairest and proper way to compensate the police chief position as it has unique circumstances with Jim Meyer being a retired police officer and compensation limits set by PERA.

            A motion was made to set Police Chief Meyer’s compensation as $2500 per month on motion by Evers, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously. This dollar amount was set by taking many factors into consideration such as increased hours, fringe benefits and to offer a fair compensation for police protection.

            Clerk Kelly also let the council know that in all of the research done we discovered because of a past practice and law with PERA, social security needs to be readjusted for our police officers. A motion was made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously to repay Meyer and Huhn the social security mistakenly withheld.  

            The meeting adjourned on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Kastner.