November 2, 2015
The City Council of Comfrey met in regular session Monday, November 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the community center with all members present. Attorney Paul Muske was also present. Mayor Richter presided.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
The agenda was approved as presented.
October 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were approved on motion of Schmitt, seconded by Arnsdorf. Carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved on a motion by Evers, second by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously.
Braun & Borth Sanitation | Garbage Pick-up - October | $ 2,127.37 |
Brown County REA | Electricity - September | $ 1,989.25 |
Choice Financial | Replenish Petty Cash | $ 59.80 |
Clements Lumber | light bulbs, misc supplies, post caps | $ 39.89 |
Comfrey C-Store | Fuel | $ 330.11 |
Comfrey Fire Dept | Expenses | $ 3,065.21 |
Darfur Electric | Lamps for street lights | $ 138.62 |
Friesen Plumbing & Heating | Vent cap and pipe for waste water plant | $ 95.85 |
Frontier | Telephone/Internet - Oct | $ 452.45 |
Gopher State One-Call | 2 line locates | $ 2.90 |
Hawkins | Tank demurrage | $ 15.00 |
Library | Bills and Wages | $ 6,259.48 |
Minnesota Rural Water Assoc | Annual Membership Dues | $ 275.00 |
Muske, Muske & Suhrhoff | Professional Services | $ 1,161.25 |
Payroll Expense | Hourly Payroll Expense | $ 710.20 |
Plunkett's Pest Control | Quarterly Pest Control | $ 85.00 |
T & C Service Center | Misc Shop supplies | $ 8.00 |
US Postal Service | Utility Card Postage | $ 420.00 |
Utility Consultants, Inc | WWTP Tests | $ 218.25 |
Verizon Wireless | Police Cell Phone - Oct | $ 77.90 |
The financial report was reviewed and approved on motion by Arnsdorf, second by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
Fire Chief Berberich notified the council the department did not receive the grant they had applied for to purchase new turnout gear. They plan to apply again next year. The department also hosted the South Central Regional meeting on Oct 20th and had 122 people in attendance.
No First Responder report
During the maintenance report Berberich informed the council he had done additional research on new tires for the skid loader and found a different set he would like to purchase. They are priced the same at $1300. Motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously to purchase the tires.
Police Chief Meyer reviewed the police report with the council. He has been working with Leah Krenz to train her in on the police software.
The library board report was reviewed. A motion made by Schmitt, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously to approve Anna Nehring as the City representative on the Library Board replacing Jennifer Redman whose term will expire. Friends of the Library has agreed to cover the costs for Laptime Story Hour.
Brown County Engineer Wayne Stevens was present to review plans to resurface 6.7 miles of CSAH 17. Only a small portion of the project falls within the city limits. A resolution was passed approving the resurfacing of CSAH 17 within the limits of the City of Comfrey as a State Aid Project on a motion made by Evers, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously.
City Engineer Andy Kehren was present and reviewed the water plant and water tower projects with the council. In order to move forward with the project, PFA requires an environmental report to be completed. Authorization was given to move forward with the preparation of plans and specifications along with an environmental report for the projects on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
Replacement of Gary Poortvliet on the EDA Board was discussed. Julie Fredin has agreed to serve on the board. On motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously, Julie Fredin was appointed to the Comfrey Economic Development Board to complete Poortvliet’s term expiring on December 31, 2016.
Land Use Permits were approved for Christa Simon for an addition to their house and St Paul’s Catholic Church for an addition. Motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously to approve permits.
Rental housing license fees were discussed which let to further discussion of Rental Housing Ordinance. The first reading of the amended Rental Housing Ordinance was had at this time.
Pet License Ordinance amendment No 182 of Subdivision 20 of Ordinance No 155 was discussed and a second reading was had at this time. The amendment allows a third dog if said dog is a “service animal,” as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or a licensed “therapy dog,” which licensing agency requires service hours to be performed by said therapy dong on an annual basis. Ordinance No. 182 was passed and adopted on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.
No action will be taken on the Parking and Storing Ordinance.
A Drone Ordinance was discussed further with a second reading being had at this time. The Drone Ordinance No. 183 was adopted and passed on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
No additional updates to report for the natural gas project.
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt.