May 11, 2016
The City Council of Comfrey met in regular session Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the community center with all members present. Attorney Matthew Muske was also present. Mayor Richter presided.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
The agenda was approved with the addition of Clerk’s Certification under new business.
April 4, 2016 regular meeting minutes and April 18, 2016 Board of Review minutes were approved on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Kastner and carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved on a motion by Evers, second by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
Amos B Vogel, CMAS | 2015 Assessments | $ 3,111.88 |
Bolten & Menk, Inc | Engineer Fees- WTP/Tower project | $ 17,420.09 |
Braun & Borth Sanitation | Garbage Pick-up - April | $ 2,161.70 |
Brown County | Fluorescent bulb recycling | $ 86.00 |
Brown County REA | Electricity - March | $ 2,021.28 |
Callanan, Richard | Grass Seed | $ 13.70 |
City of Springfield | Title transfer of Toyota | $ 30.75 |
Clements Lumber | Park Shelter Materials, trailer repair | $ 1,823.75 |
Comfrey C-Store | Fuel | $ 322.98 |
Comfrey Fire Dept | Expenses | $ 1,200.66 |
Comfrey First Responders | Oxygen tanks, Medical supplies | $ 270.67 |
Comfrey Times | Publications | $ 204.25 |
Darfur Electric | Pump controls at South Park | $ 194.20 |
Forms & Systems of Minnesota | Police Citations | $ 541.81 |
Friesen Plumbing & Heating | Repair leak in park restroom | $ 70.00 |
Frontier | Telephone/Internet - April | $ 470.65 |
Hawkins | Tank demurrage, chemicals | $ 2,566.50 |
Indoff Incorporated | Clips | $ 2.08 |
Kastner, Dan | Lettering on Fire Station doors | $ 210.00 |
Kelly, Tammy | MMCI - hotel, meals, mileage | $ 574.33 |
Library | Bills and Wages | $ 6,059.92 |
LMCIT | Property and Liability Insurance | $ 24,259.00 |
Payroll Expense | Payroll Expense | $ 9,619.96 |
Plunkett's Pest Control | Quarterly pest control | $ 85.00 |
Runnings | Reflective Coat, Sprayer backpack | $ 122.98 |
T & C Service | Floor Dry | $ 11.00 |
USA BlueBook | WWTP Chemicals | $ 187.56 |
Utility Consultants, Inc | WWTP Tests | $ 204.37 |
Verizon Wireless | Police Cell Phone - Apr | $ 78.42 |
Windom Fire & Safety | Annual Fire Extinguishers Inspection | $ 113.00 |
April financial statement was reviewed and approved on motion by Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously. A motion was made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously to transfer funds from the capital equipment fund to pay for the south park shelter costs.
Fire Chief Berberich informed the council they had applied for a grant for new turnout gear. The current gear in 19 years old and in need of being replaced.
Public Works Director Berberich reported there has been some problems at the lift station with the automatic pump switch over. The insurance adjuster also called to let us know the municipal building roof would be covered under insurance. Gags was the cheapest bid so they will be completing the work. Wood chips were ordered for the parks and will be split with the school. Berberich would also like to hire summer help again. The council gave him permission to choose the individual.
First Responders had no report.
Chief Meyer reviewed the police report with the council. He also noted he received a $100 donation from Brown County USAC to use on compliance checks.
The library board report was reviewed.
Agrinatural Gas is still trying to determine if there is enough interest in town. Marcia will be back in Minnesota on May 18th and would like to start looking at the paperwork.
The committee met with Bruce Hanson of Hanson Communications to discuss the cable access in Comfrey. There are currently 37 cable customers in Comfrey and they have access to 42 channels. The franchise agreement extension will be reviewed by Attorney Paul Muske and action taken at June’s council meeting.
City Engineer Andy Kehren was unable to attend the meeting. The water plant/storage project bid date was set for June 16, 2016 at 2:00 PM on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.
A new first responder member, Sandy Johns was approved on motion by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
Resident addressed the council about cleanup of a commercial lot on Main Street. It was noted that commercial properties are regulated differently than residential properties
A request was made to paint handicap stalls in front of each apartment building. It was noted there are handicap stalls painted in the back of each building. No action was taken until further information is received on the request.
The July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 liquor licenses for Comfrey Bar and Grill LLC were approved subject to all conditions being met on a motion of Kastner, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
Malt Liquor On-Sale license for 3 locations was requested by Comfrey Area Pride for Community Days, July 8th – 9th, 2016. On a motion by Kastner, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously approval was granted.
A motion was made by Evers, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously to authorize Comfrey Bar and Grill, LLC to serve alcohol at the South Park located in the City block bordered by Field St., Ochre St., Court St., and County Road 17 between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Sunday, July 10, 2016 during Comfrey Community Days. No city license is required because Comfrey Bar and Grill’s liquor license and insurance will cover the event and liability during a city festival. Comfrey Bar and Grill once again would also like to have an outdoor band on Saturday, July 9th. They will provide a fenced in area and hire additional security for the event. The music must also end by midnight.
Land Use Permits were approved for Comfrey Bar & Grill, LLC to build a patio and fence and Brian Schwarzrock to put a storage shed on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.
The annual maintenance agreement for our printers with Advanced Systems Inc. for $450 was approved on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
The annual membership with Minnesota Association of Small Cities for $291.90 was approved on a motion made by Evers, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously.
The annual membership with Municipal Clerks & Finance Officers Association for $35 was approved on a motion made by Evers, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
The City Emergency Manager position was discussed. John Schmitt is willing to stay in this position. Berberich is going to make sure he is included in emails and meeting notices. Berberich also said he would be willing to attend some meetings if Schmitt cannot. Dave Schiller and Paul Schiller have agreed to be in charge of the weather spotters this year and they have had a couple of meetings with people attending the training sessions.
The three year MCFOA Certification process was discussed. Clerk Kelly just completed her 3rd year of classes in May which was a requirement of her hire. A pay increase was discussed with this certification but no action was taken at this time.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers, carried unanimously.