Janaury 4, 2016
The City Council of Comfrey met in regular session Monday, January 4, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the community center with all members present. Attorney Paul Muske was also present. Mayor Richter presided.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
On motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously, the following official appointments were made:
Publication: Comfrey Times
Depository: Choice Financial Bank
Attorney: Paul Muske
Weed Inspector: Gary Richter
Assistant Weed Inspector: Steve Berberich
Acting Mayor: Darlene Arnsdorf
Water: John Schmitt
Sewer: Darlene Arnsdorf
Streets: Rick Kastner
Hall & Park: Susan Evers
The agenda was approved as presented.
December 7, 2015 regular meeting minutes were approved on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt. Carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved on a motion by Evers, second by Kastner and carried unanimously.
Braun & Borth Sanitation | Garbage Pick-up - December | $ 2,069.23 |
Brown County REA | Electricity - November | $ 1,766.37 |
City of Springfield | Registration Renewals (4 vehicles) | $ 64.00 |
Clements Lumber | Forklift rent, salt, light bulbs, misc supplies | $ 361.82 |
Comfrey Fire Dept | Expenses | $ 1,172.51 |
Comfrey Times | Publications | $ 432.25 |
Frontier | Telephone/Internet - Dec | $ 469.37 |
Gopher State One-Call | 1 line locate | $ 1.45 |
Hawkins | Tank demurrage | $ 10.00 |
Heiderscheidt Digging, Inc | Snow Removal | $ 4,600.00 |
Indoff Incorportated | Expanidng folder | $ 16.99 |
Library | Bills and Wages | $ 2,781.97 |
Maignes, Cita | Community Center Rent Return | $ 100.00 |
Meyer, Jim | Reimb for year end supplies | $ 22.28 |
Moonlight Floor Cleaning | Deep scrub and wax municpal bldg floors | $ 3,500.00 |
Muske, Muske & Suhrhoff | Professional Services | $ 597.00 |
Payroll Expense | Payroll Expense | $ 1,300.70 |
Runnings | Ice melt, misc supplies | $ 99.88 |
T & C Service Center | Oil Change, bulbs | $ 40.49 |
Utility Consultants, Inc | WWTP Tests | $ 190.50 |
Verizon Wireless | Police Cell Phone - Dec | $ 78.19 |
The financial report was reviewed and approved on motion by Kastner, second by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
Fire Chief Berberich reported the grant application through FEMA for new turnout gear has been sent in for $55,000. If they receive the grant they would need to put down 5% of the total cost.
During the maintenance report Berberich informed the council the roof over the community center and post office is in need of repair or replacement. The glue holding down the rubber roof has let loose and the roof actually lifts up in the wind. Tractor tires have been placed up on the roof to hold it down until something can be done in the spring. We have submitted a claim with our insurance company and they would like to have an engineer look at it to see what our options are. We have received a quote from GAGS and waiting on a quote from Laraway Roofing. Berberich has also talked with Clements Lumber to see if a steel roof is an option. He voiced concerns of the height needed to peak the roof and also about snow buildup and the possibility of it sliding off the roof onto the sidewalks which could be a hazard.
First Responders had no updates.
Police Chief Meyer reviewed the police report with the council. He informed the council that Brown County had an individual quit and would like to use Leah Krenz to fill in until they can hire a replacement. The county would reimburse the city for any hours worked and expenses incurred.
The library board report was reviewed. The board recommended pay increases for the director of fifty cents per hour and the assistant of twenty five cents per hour. The pay increases were approved on motion made by Schmitt, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously. The school is still looking for a representative to fill a position on the library board.
The community center rental process was discussed and the council would like to look into some possible changes to the process. Concerns were also voiced about the hallway floors and damage that was done to the wax after a rental. Clerk Kelly will contact Jason Thom from Moonlight Floor Cleaning to see if anything can be done.
A resolution expressing acceptance and appreciation for a donation by Courtney Nelson to the first responders of $129.29 approved on a motion from Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.
The 2015 audit contract with Dennis E Oberloh, Ltd was approved on motion of Evers, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.
Approval was given Clerk Kelly to attend the MCFOA Annual Conference in St Cloud, MN on March 15-18, 2016 on a motion made by Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.
A dividend for $7,820 was received from the LMCIT for our property and casualty insurance. The dividend is based on loss history of its members.
The meeting was adjourned on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Kastner.