May 7, 2012
The City Council of Comfrey met in regular session Monday, May 7, 2012 at 7:00 PM in the community center with all members present. Attorney Paul Muske was also present. Mayor Richter presided.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
The agenda was approved as presented
Minutes of the April 2, 2012 meeting were read and approved. Minutes from the April 23, 2012 Board of Review meeting were read and approved with the addition of councilor John Schmitt in attendance. Approval of minutes on motion of Herrig, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously.
On motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously, the following bills were appr
Alliant Energy |
Electricity |
$ 1,603.90 |
Alpha Wireless |
Squad Car Radio |
$ 250.00 |
Steve Berberich |
B Plant Operator Courses & Books |
$ 216.00 |
Bolton & Menk, Inc |
WWTP Engineering |
$ 7,492.88 |
Brown County Auditor-Treas |
RE Tax on Hwy 258 lots |
$ 76.00 |
Clancy's Fire Extinguishers |
City Annual Fire Extinguisher check |
$ 64.13 |
Clements Lumber |
salt, grass seed, shop door install supplies |
$ 903.33 |
Comfrey C-Store |
gas |
$ 356.88 |
Comfrey Fire Dept |
expenses |
$ 3,200.11 |
Comfrey First Responders |
Chili Benefit Adv, plaque, oil, freon, batteries, gas |
$ 743.95 |
ComfreyPublic School |
Erate Reimbursement |
$ 207.87 |
Comfrey Times |
publication |
$ 236.88 |
Darfur Electric |
hook up door at shop, replace drive at lift station |
$ 2,205.92 |
Gene Friesen |
Mileage for Weather Spotter Training |
$ 25.65 |
Friesen Plumbing & Heating |
Curb stop, furnace WWTP, Water heater, |
$ 727.50 |
Frontier |
Telephone/Internet (Apr & May) |
$ 877.32 |
Hawkins, Inc. |
tank demurrage, WWTP Chemicals |
$ 1,961.61 |
Indoff, Incorporated |
4 Ink Cart.-police printer, misc office supplies |
$ 92.34 |
Tammy Kelly |
Mileage to Loss Control Workshop - Spfd |
$ 11.70 |
Library |
bills and wages |
$ 2,401.28 |
Gary Lingbeek |
4 ft 2 inch angle iron |
$ 10.00 |
Jim Meyer |
Microsoft Office Program for |
$ 100.40 |
Miller Sellner |
Lawn Mower Blade |
$ 56.27 |
MVTL, Inc. |
4 wastewater tests |
$ 210.75 |
Muske & Muske |
professional services |
$ 124.65 |
Payroll Expense |
April |
$ 4,228.86 |
Plunkets |
Quarterly Pest Control |
$ 55.58 |
Pioneer |
Aerosol White Paint for ball field |
$ 183.10 |
Reinhart Food Service |
2 Spatulas - Community Center |
$ 9.21 |
Rogotzke Appliance & Refrigeration |
Community Center Refrigerator repair |
$ 52.20 |
Rob's ServiceCenter |
Fuel line |
$ 4.01 |
Searles Well Drilling, Inc |
O'Ring, Submersible Motor, Labor for Well Repair |
$ 2,626.90 |
Thomas Suess Construction, LLC |
Install of new door on maintenance building |
$ 3,725.00 |
Verizon Wireless |
police cell phone |
$ 65.06 |
Mark Warner |
Mileage for Weather Spotter Training |
$ 23.40 |
Waste Management |
Residential Garbage pickup - April |
$ 1,827.05 |
The April financial report was reviewed and approved on motion of Herrig, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.
Fire Chief Warner reported at the last firemen’s meeting it was voted to recommend raising the fire call hourly rate. On motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously approval was give to increase the fire call hourly rate from $100 to $200 per hour. The initial out the door rate will remain $500. Chief Warner also reported the department has received a $5000 donation from Fontanelle to be used to for purchase of equipment for the new pumper truck. Discussion was had about the city/township split of 60/40 for the fire department. It was proposed by the council to change the split to 50/50. A letter will be sent out to the townships outlining the reason for the proposed change. City Clerk will work with Chief Warner to draft letter to be sent out to townships.
Police Chief Jim Meyer reported it has been another busy month with some calls being pretty involved. The radio in the squad car quit working and because of the high repair costs a used radio was purchased to replace at less than half the cost of repairs. Chief Meyers informed the council he did order a small video camera he will be able to wear and have with him at all times.
Steve Berberich reported flows are up at the waste water treatment plant from 30,000 to 123,000 gallons per day and pumps handling it without any problems. Test results have also been good this month. He is very happy with upgrades at the plant. Berberich requested permission to cement an area in the back of the community center by the air conditioners. This is an area that collects a lot of dirt and debris. Council was in agreement to move forward with the project. Berberich also updated council regarding the need to seal the well under the water tower. Estimated cost is $50,000, which includes $32,000 to remove and replace one of the leg support braces. The city will apply for a grant to assist with the project costs through the Minnesota Department of Health.
Bids were received from Ground Zero and Bargen Inc for crack sealing of the streets. The bid from Ground Zero was accepted as the lower bid. M&R Paving will be seal coating the streets of Holm, Eastern Ave, Pine, Blue and Hill Street this summer at an estimated cost of $20,500.
Steve Berberich discussed with council the necessity for him to keep a telephone land line. At time of his hiring it was stipulated that he have a telephone land line to accommodate the alarms at the water and waste water treatment plants. Currently the alarms are routed to his cell phone. Council indicated that it is his decision since the accommodations have been made for the alarm system.
Arnsdorf presented minutes from the April library board meeting. The Erate was clarified in April’s minutes. Contract for internet services was reviewed and the library will move forward with a one year contract at $223. Summer hours for the library will start May 16th with the next board meeting taking place on May 21st.
On motion of Herrig, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously, Three Land Use Permits were granted to Erin Eischen (deck), Karen Hillesheim (deck) and Kevin Ludewig (fence).
Copier and printer options were again discussed. On motion of Herrig, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously clerk was given permission to purchase a copier/printer up to $2600 plus service contract.
Pay Equity Report was received back from the department of Minnesota Management and Budget and was found in compliance.
Motion made by Evers, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously to contact SW Dust Treatment to treat specific gravel streets in Comfrey.
Utility payment due date was discussed and determined to change the due date to the first week of the month on motion by Herrig, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously.
The July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 liquor licenses for Goodfellaz Grill and Bar Inc were approved on motion of Herrig, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.
Resolution expressing acceptance and appreciation for a donation of $5000 from Fontanelle for use by fire department was approved on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously.
Malt Liquor On-Sale license for 3 locations was requested by Comfrey Area Pride for Community Days. On motion of Herrig, seconded by Evers and carried unanimously approval was granted.
A showcase of ComfreyHigh School sports uniforms was donated by Lynn Story to be displayed in the municipal building. Berberich and Schmitt will install before Community Days.
The meeting adjourned on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Herrig.