April 2, 2012

The City Council of Comfrey met in regular session Monday, April 2, 2012 at 7:00 PM in the community center with all members present.  Attorney Paul Muske was also present. Mayor Richter presided.

            The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.

            The agenda was approved as presented

            Minutes of the March 5, 2012 meeting were read and approved on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.

            On motion of Herrig, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously, the following bills were approved:

Alliant Energy


 $   1,815.48

Brown County Auditor-Treas

real estate tax on Hwy 258   lot

 $        24.00

City ofSpringfield

1/3 Mileage Reimbursement-   Clerks Conf

 $        58.28

Clements Lumber

Door, shop door, ice melt,   chain, clamp

 $    4,449.33

Comfrey C-Store


 $     265.77

Comfrey Fire Dept


 $     421.26

Comfrey First Responders

belt clip, cabinet/shelves,   oxygen, EMS Conf

 $   1,081.85

Comfrey Market

Cleaning supplies, Sweet   & Low packets

 $     110.85

Comfrey Times


 $     252.57

Creative Product Source

Stop Bullying coloring   books-Police

 $     195.23


Telephone/Internet (Mar)

 $     434.58


1 line locate

 $         1.45

Indoff, Incorporated


 $         1.16

JCL Solutions

Handle Housing for scrubber

 $       26.80

Tammy Kelly

Norton for office, meals,   & hotel for clerks conf.

 $     249.76


Work Compensation Premium

 $   4,656.00


bills and wages

 $   2,369.72

Jim Meyer

Reimbursement for new   computer & Ink,
  2 Emergency guide books

 $   1,447.39

Meyer & Sons TV and   Appliance

Wire Basket for coffee   maker

 $        37.35


CE for WWTP License ( Steve   Berberich)

 $      200.00


Municipal Permit Annual Fee

 $      505.00

MVTL, Inc.

4 wastewater tests

 $      198.00

Muske & Muske

professional services

 $     162.00

Payroll Expense


 $   4,686.28


Stamps for Utility Post   cards (6 months)

 $     384.00


Oil and filter

 $       20.57

Eric Schwarzrock

Police Computer   installation

 $     125.00

Verizon Wireless

police cell phone

 $       65.12

Amos B Vogel

Assessment for City ofComfrey

 $   2,697.00

Mark Warner

weather spotter class

 $       20.70

Waste Management

Residential Garbage pickup

 $   1,083.99

Fire Chief Warner reported the pumper truck will be ready to pick up by the middle of May.  Chief Warner also stated that a few first responders and firemen still need to take the computer based training for the new 800 MHZ radio system.  He believes the hands on training for the new system will take place some time in August.  All fire contracts have been returned but 2.

 The March financial report was reviewed and approved on motion of Evers, seconded by Herrig and carried unanimously.

Jeff Dale from Minnesota Rural Water was present and presented information on radio read water meters.  Example of costs and payment options were reviewed and the council had time to ask questions.  Council asked Steve Berberich to gather additional information, and quotes on the cost of the meters and installation for a future meeting.

Police Chief Jim Meyer reported there were 26 calls in the month of March.  He also stated the department would be receiving a grant through the sheriff’s office to help cover the costs of a new 800 MHZ radio in his car and base for his office.  Chief Meyer has been researching a video system for the squad car with an estimated cost of $3000 which was approved at prior meeting.

            Steve Berberich reported plants are running smoothly and extremely happy with the WWTP.  Berberich found that our waste water treatment plant, currently a class C, is only one point away from being a Class B.  A class change could happen if anymore guidelines/laws are put in place regulating the plant.  Berberich asked the council permission to start the courses required to get his Class B operator license.  On motion of Herrig, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously, permission was given to start the two on-line courses for $200.  

            Arnsdorf presented minutes from the March library board meeting. The Erate check was discussed and the library board approved any money received by the library needs to run through the fiscal agent, the City ofComfrey.  The council thought the motion should be more specific and mention funds then being disbursed back to the corresponding organization. 

            Walter Evers appeared before the council regarding some issues with water pooling around his garage from rain and snow melt. The council decided to move forward with options to resolve the problem.  Evers also mentioned some trees and shrubs blocking the view of the street when traffic is coming around the corner.  The bushes are creating a blind spot and the council recommended speaking to the property owner after which time the tree would be trimmed and bushes removed.

            Oberloh and Associates representative Dennis Oberloh presented the 2011 financial audit report.  He gave it an unqualified opinion (clean opinion) but notes a lack of segregation of duties due to the one-person office which is very typical in small cities.  He noted the city is in good financial condition.

            A resolution expressing acceptance of and appreciation for a donation of $500 for the first responders from the Darfur Sportsman was made by Evers, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously.

             On motion of Schmitt, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously, it was voted not to waive the monetary tort limit set by the State ofMinnesota.

            Street crack filling was discussed and Berberich let the council know he had requested 2 quotes and had only receive one quote back at the time of the council meeting.  On motion of Schmitt, seconded by Herrig and carried unanimously, it was approved to accept the lowest written quote received by the end of the business day on Thursday. 

            Permission was given for Tammy Kelly to attend the Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute in April on motion of Herrig, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously.

            On motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Schmitt and carried unanimously, a Land Use Permit was granted to Brian Schwarzrock to upgrade existing retaining wall.

            A Resolution Reestablishing Precinct andPolling Placefor the City ofComfreywas approved on motion made by Herrig, seconded by Arnsdorf and carried unanimously. 

            Discussion was held about copier/printer options in the city office and it was recommended by the council to also contact River Bend Business products for a quote.

The meeting adjourned on motion of Arnsdorf, seconded by Herrig.